Get Ready For a Shift and A Flood of God's Uncommon Favor!
Good Morning My Loves, GET READY FOR A SHIFT…Get ready for a shift….a shift is coming, get ready for a shift…That phrase was running...

Reject Thoughts that are Contrary to God's Word!
Good Morning My Loves, If you are to prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers, you must get this principle down deep in...

I'm Changing The Relational Landscape of My Loved Ones Lives and Bringing Relational Healing!
Good Morning My Loves, As I began praying this morning I kept seeing and hearing the word “relational.” I had a short vision of a...

Self-Comfort Leads to Apathy and Destruction, The Comforter Leads to Life!
Good Morning My Loves, Have you ever got stuck watching a show and stayed up too late to see how it ends? I did that last night. There...

Your Ugly Season of Pruning is About to Produce a Beautiful Season of Richer and Finer Fruit!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday, Pastor Rick and I were enjoying the beauty of our backyard, and we began discussing the way it looked...

Don't Let the Pain of Betrayal Cause You to Run Away! Run to God. He's Healing Your Wounds f
Good Morning My Loves, Have you ever dealt with someone who was once walking humbly before the Lord and doing good, and then they got...

Eliminate Energy Vampires and Get Some Rest. Your Productivity and Creativity Depend On it!
Good Morning My Loves, Do you pray before you go to sleep? Do you ask God to protect your time of rest and speak into your spirit during...

Old Negative Cycles are Being Destroyed, and New Cycles are Being Established!
Good Morning My Loves, Last night I had a powerful dream that I believe is for many of you. I was in a laundry mat in front of a washing...

Alignment Matters!
Good Morning My Loves, Having the respect of your peers and leadership is very important if you're going to be promoted in life. One of...

Silence the Voice of the Accuser and Spirits of Intimidation, and Conquer Your Mountain!
Good Morning My Loves, I am discerning a breakthrough since we began our fast, however in the past few days some have discerned spirits...