Your Fasting is Removing Things, and Getting Things Moving!
Good Morning My Loves, As many of you know I called a minimum 3 day, maximum 21 day, fast on Sunday, May 15th. Within 24 hours, something...

Are You A Brave Communicator?
Good Morning My Loves, It’s always sad to see relationships destroyed due to lack of proper communication. One of the main ways...

Treat Others the Way You Want Them to Treat You!
Good Morning My Loves, Can you imagine how wonderful our world would be if every person treated others the way they would want to be...

Have You Had a "Love Check Up Lately?" How's Your Heart?
Good Morning My Loves, How’s your love walk these days? I think every one of us should frequently do a love “check up,” because our...

Love Yourself Unselfishly, and Love Well!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday we looked at the meaning of selfishness: To care only about one’s own needs, and lack regard for the...

The Destroyer Must Pass Over You!
Good Morning My Loves, As we’ve been remembering Passover this week, and our Passover Lamb Jesus Christ, I pray you feel incredible...

Turn Back to the Lord With ALL Your Being, and He Will Take You Back! He'll Restore, Prosper, Mu
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday I wrote about the “renegade spirit,” and how the Lord’s jealousy and anger burned against the one who...

Have Determined Faith
Good Morning My Loves, I was meditating on the word “determination” this morning, and I heard the Lord say, “Those who are not willing to...