Who Are You Following, and Who's Following You? Who Are You Leading, and Where Are You Leading T
Good Morning My Loves, I see it all the time. A person hears the call to follow Jesus, immediately responds, is set on fire, and those...

Prayer is Not an Event, But a Lifestyle!
Good Morning My Loves, Today is the National Day of Prayer. I think it’s wonderful that we have “marked” a day each year where we put an...

Have You Had a "Love Check Up Lately?" How's Your Heart?
Good Morning My Loves, How’s your love walk these days? I think every one of us should frequently do a love “check up,” because our...

Love Yourself Unselfishly, and Love Well!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday we looked at the meaning of selfishness: To care only about one’s own needs, and lack regard for the...

God Hears Your Cry for "HELP!" He's Coming To Your Rescue!
Good Morning My Loves, As I opened my Bible this morning, this was the verse of the day: Luke 19:10 (AMP) 10 for the Son of Man has...

The Destroyer Must Pass Over You!
Good Morning My Loves, As we’ve been remembering Passover this week, and our Passover Lamb Jesus Christ, I pray you feel incredible...

Turn Back to the Lord With ALL Your Being, and He Will Take You Back! He'll Restore, Prosper, Mu
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday I wrote about the “renegade spirit,” and how the Lord’s jealousy and anger burned against the one who...

The Monday Blessing
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus with the “mental fortitude” that comes from the Wisdom of God’s Word! I declare that NOTHING is...

Have Determined Faith
Good Morning My Loves, I was meditating on the word “determination” this morning, and I heard the Lord say, “Those who are not willing to...