Leviathan is Rearing His Ugly Head and Will Swing His tail of Destruction. It's Time to Pick Up
Good Morning My Loves, I’ve been speaking with people around the region, and many are expressing a classic “Leviathan” attack. I have...

Your Fasting is Removing Things, and Getting Things Moving!
Good Morning My Loves, As many of you know I called a minimum 3 day, maximum 21 day, fast on Sunday, May 15th. Within 24 hours, something...

Cling to God and His Word, and GET UP AND LEAD!
Good Morning My Loves, Did you know that someone else is counting on your leadership in order for them to receive their promise? There...

Are You A Brave Communicator?
Good Morning My Loves, It’s always sad to see relationships destroyed due to lack of proper communication. One of the main ways...

Who Are You Following, and Who's Following You? Who Are You Leading, and Where Are You Leading T
Good Morning My Loves, I see it all the time. A person hears the call to follow Jesus, immediately responds, is set on fire, and those...

Have You Had a "Love Check Up Lately?" How's Your Heart?
Good Morning My Loves, How’s your love walk these days? I think every one of us should frequently do a love “check up,” because our...

You Weren't Called to Fit In, But to STAND OUT!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday I decided to get my nails done. I have worn acrylic nails for years, and in December I took them off....

Are You Dealing With The Renegade Spirit?
Good Morning My Loves, How many of you parents have presented the future consequences of disobedience to your children out of love for...

The Monday Blessing
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus with the “mental fortitude” that comes from the Wisdom of God’s Word! I declare that NOTHING is...