Remember the Lord Who is Great and Awesome, and With Courage From Him Stay Together and FIGHT!
Good Morning My Loves, When we are experience a season of warfare, it’s important to let the enemy know that we do not fear him. We must...

Leviathan is Rearing His Ugly Head and Will Swing His tail of Destruction. It's Time to Pick Up
Good Morning My Loves, I’ve been speaking with people around the region, and many are expressing a classic “Leviathan” attack. I have...

Good Morning My Loves, As I awoke in the early hours to pray this morning, the song “The More I Seek You” began playing in my spirit. I...

Your Fasting is Removing Things, and Getting Things Moving!
Good Morning My Loves, As many of you know I called a minimum 3 day, maximum 21 day, fast on Sunday, May 15th. Within 24 hours, something...

Attitude Determines Altitude
Good Morning My Loves, There are times in our lives when we come under full frontal assault with sickness, accusation, slander,...

Treat Others the Way You Want Them to Treat You!
Good Morning My Loves, Can you imagine how wonderful our world would be if every person treated others the way they would want to be...

Who Are You Following, and Who's Following You? Who Are You Leading, and Where Are You Leading T
Good Morning My Loves, I see it all the time. A person hears the call to follow Jesus, immediately responds, is set on fire, and those...

Prayer is Not an Event, But a Lifestyle!
Good Morning My Loves, Today is the National Day of Prayer. I think it’s wonderful that we have “marked” a day each year where we put an...

God Hears Your Cry for "HELP!" He's Coming To Your Rescue!
Good Morning My Loves, As I opened my Bible this morning, this was the verse of the day: Luke 19:10 (AMP) 10 for the Son of Man has...

Have Determined Faith
Good Morning My Loves, I was meditating on the word “determination” this morning, and I heard the Lord say, “Those who are not willing to...