Get a Grip! Don't Let Your Grip Slip on Your Promise Now!
Good Morning My Loves, For the past few days I’ve been discerning an atmosphere of “irrational fear.” I use the word “irrational” because...

Reject Thoughts that are Contrary to God's Word!
Good Morning My Loves, If you are to prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers, you must get this principle down deep in...

I'm Releasing Fresh Fire and Financial Miracles Upon My Intercessors!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday I was in prayer before service and I was saying, “Holy Spirit release fresh fire upon us, I wan’t your...

It's Time to PERK UP!
Good Morning My Loves, The past few days I’ve felt the Holy Spirit breathing on the message of “sowing and reaping.” On July 14th, 2016...

Your Ugly Season of Pruning is About to Produce a Beautiful Season of Richer and Finer Fruit!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday, Pastor Rick and I were enjoying the beauty of our backyard, and we began discussing the way it looked...

Something Good Is Going to Happen To You Today!
Good Morning My Loves, I was in the store yesterday buying a shower gift for a friend and I saw a little wooden sign that said,...

Those Who've Been Faithful With the Little Things, are About to be Rewarded With MUCH!
Good Morning My Loves, When I woke up this morning I heard the Lord say, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in...