The Monday Blessing
No Passion, No Compassion. Some Passion, Some Compassion. Much Passion, Much Compassion.

Treat Others the Way You Want Them to Treat You!
Good Morning My Loves, Can you imagine how wonderful our world would be if every person treated others the way they would want to be...

Who Are You Following, and Who's Following You? Who Are You Leading, and Where Are You Leading T
Good Morning My Loves, I see it all the time. A person hears the call to follow Jesus, immediately responds, is set on fire, and those...

Prayer is Not an Event, But a Lifestyle!
Good Morning My Loves, Today is the National Day of Prayer. I think it’s wonderful that we have “marked” a day each year where we put an...

Have You Had a "Love Check Up Lately?" How's Your Heart?
Good Morning My Loves, How’s your love walk these days? I think every one of us should frequently do a love “check up,” because our...

God Hears Your Cry for "HELP!" He's Coming To Your Rescue!
Good Morning My Loves, As I opened my Bible this morning, this was the verse of the day: Luke 19:10 (AMP) 10 for the Son of Man has...

The Destroyer Must Pass Over You!
Good Morning My Loves, As we’ve been remembering Passover this week, and our Passover Lamb Jesus Christ, I pray you feel incredible...

Turn Back to the Lord With ALL Your Being, and He Will Take You Back! He'll Restore, Prosper, Mu
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday I wrote about the “renegade spirit,” and how the Lord’s jealousy and anger burned against the one who...

The Monday Blessing
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus with the “mental fortitude” that comes from the Wisdom of God’s Word! I declare that NOTHING is...