God is Pruning Those With a "Judas Mentality" and Raising-Elevating "Pure" Worsh
Good Morning My Loves, Do you know your destiny and vision? My destination is at the feet of Jesus. My vision can be summarized in one...

It's Time to PERK UP!
Good Morning My Loves, The past few days I’ve felt the Holy Spirit breathing on the message of “sowing and reaping.” On July 14th, 2016...

Don't Let the Pain of Betrayal Cause You to Run Away! Run to God. He's Healing Your Wounds f
Good Morning My Loves, Have you ever dealt with someone who was once walking humbly before the Lord and doing good, and then they got...

Old Negative Cycles are Being Destroyed, and New Cycles are Being Established!
Good Morning My Loves, Last night I had a powerful dream that I believe is for many of you. I was in a laundry mat in front of a washing...

The Monday Blessing
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus to get on your face and seek God. Get new vision. Get up. Get going, and FINISH! The devil may...

The Holy Spirit is Not Only God, Not Only A Person, but He is a Safe and Strong Place!
Good Morning My Loves, We all need a “safe place” to go when trouble comes. I’ve heard many people say, “My best friend is my “safe...

Peace to You!
Good Morning My Loves, For the past few days I’ve been meditating on the “peace” that Jesus promised to us through relationship with...

It's OK. God Has This!
Good Morning My Loves, We all are prone to do it. It steals our peace. It kills our joy. It accomplishes absolutely NOTHING! Jesus told...

God Sees, Hears, and is Acting On Your Behalf!
Good Morning My Loves, Have you learned to rest and trust God when there are things going on that you have no control over? Every day...