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Good Morning My Loves, Time and time again God has come through on His promises when circumstances seemed darkest. I’m sure it seemed hopeless to the disciples on the evening before the resurrection, and especially Peter. He had denied Jesus three times, and the promise that he would be a crucial part of the church was no doubt fading in his heart and mind. (Luke 22:54-62) Talk about blowin’ it! Little did they all know that they were only hours away from the dawn of a new era, and days away from the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, which would CHANGE EVERYTHING! Their Lord wasn’t dead, and neither were all the promises He’d made to them! Peter would go from a discouraged blow-it case, to a man set on fire, who would lead 3000 people to Christ in his “first” post denial, post resurrection, post baptism of the Holy Ghost sermon! I want to encourage you if you are waiting on God for a promise, or you feel that you’ve blown it to bad to recover. Here’s a few others who experienced delay and discouragement before they received their promise, or were used mightily by the Lord:

-Abraham became the father of many nations —long after he and Sarah were childless and past their childbearing years.

-Moses was a killer and fugitive running for his life before he had an encounter with God in a “burning bush,” and was sent to deliver Israel out of Egypt.

-Hosea had an adulterous wife who betrayed him, and God used him as a powerful spokesman to his nation. His love for his unfaithful wife became a portrait of God’s unconditional love for his unfaithful Bride. -Paul was a persecutor and murder of Christians, who had a radical encounter with our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, on the road to Damascus. He surrendered every fiber of His being to Jesus, and became an Apostle. God used him to spread the gospel to many nations, and to write the majority of the New Testament.

It has been my experience that those who have the most hope, and who do the greatest exploits for God, are those who’ve blown it the worst, and who’ve been forgiven much. Those that have experienced the power of the resurrection. They have a history with God where everything in their life looked as good as dead, and JESUS came in and literally resurrected them and their dreams. They are CONVINCED of His power and presence, and there is no stopping them. In fact, when their faith is tested and purified by fire, they just get stronger and stronger. Their life becomes an even greater PRAISE to Jesus! Peter said it like this: 1 Peter 1:3-7 (MSG)

3-5 What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.

6-7 I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory. -These resurrected warriors have hope that God is ALWAYS with them, no matter what their present circumstances are.

-They have hope that death itself has been defeated, so they live like death has been defeated!

-They appreciate life, but do not fear death!

-They know that if they live they live, if they die they live! I am one of those warriors! Are you? Warrior, I pray you are fully convinced of the power of the resurrection in your own life, and that you will stand in faith and let NOTHING STOP YOU! I prophecy life over you and your dreams. It doesn’t matter how far gone you or your promise looks, stay in faith. GOD IS GOING TO FULFILL EVERY WORD HE HAS SPOKEN TO YOU! Happy Resurrection Sunday! I love you all! PV

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