Good Morning My Loves, As I awoke in the early hours to pray this morning, the song “The More I Seek You” began playing in my spirit. I heard the lyrics: The more I seek You, the more I find You
The more I find You, the more I love You I wanna sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand
Lay back against You and breathe, feel Your heartbeat
This love is so deep, it’s more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace, it’s overwhelming As I was meditating on the lyrics, I felt the pleasure of the Lord and a wave of heat hit my body beginning at my feet. I felt that I was standing in hot water. I began to worship Him, and say “Good Morning Lord, I just simply want to know You more today. Show me another facet of who You are! The heat on my body intensified, and then a wave of joy hit me. I then saw a vision of an eagle that was upside down flapping it’s wings and appeared to be on fire and falling. As it was spiraling it caught it’s balance, turned over, and then began soaring upward in a spiral motion. I heard the Lord say, “I’m baptizing my weary ones with fresh fire and joy to destroy their enemies, and help them fulfill their assignments. I’m bringing justice on their behalf. They will see a new facet of My kindness toward them. Why? Because they haven’t regressed and blamed me during this season of opposition, they’ve pressed in close in worship and gone through this season of painful testing and demonic opposition, with an “I will worship the Lord, come hell or high water” resolve. These “committed to the death” ones, are being renewed like the eagle. I’m giving them a second wind. They have waited on Me. They will mount up. They are taking new seats of governing authority, and they will have what they need for the next season. I’m renewing their strength. Their prayers have come up before Me, and the demonic strongholds and rulers they been warring against are losing territory. They will not just walk and not grow weary, THEY WILL RUN AND NOT FAINT!" 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31 KJV) What they thought would take years to accomplish will start happening very quickly now. I’m accelerating their promise and making up for the demonic delays they’ve endured.” JESUS My beloved, NOTHING delights the Lord more than the one who lives in a perpetual state of hunger to “know Him.” I’ve learned that in order to keep my fire burning ever brighter, it takes the ongoing revelation of Jesus. There’s a reason why the angels never get bored of being in His presence, and they are called ministers of “fire.” You simply cannot be someone who lives in that close of proximity to the all consuming fire, and not be set ablaze! This is what the Lord says:
23 Thus says the Lord, “Let not the one who is wise and skillful boast in his insight; let not the one who is mighty and powerful boast in his strength; let not the one who is rich boast in his [temporal satisfactions and earthly] abundance; 24 but let the one who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me [and acknowledges Me and honors Me as God and recognizes without any doubt], that I am the Lord who practices lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth, for in these things I delight,” says the Lord. Look up this morning. Pray in the Spirit. Use your heavenly prayer language. Sing in the Spirit, and then spend time in adoration, until the fire and joy of the Lord consumes you. The devil always tries to make things bigger than they really are. He’s a defeated loser. It’s YOUR victory season! I love you all! PV