Good Morning My Loves, For the past few years there’s been a lot of construction near our church due to a new overpass-bridge being built. It has caused traffic delays and has been a slow process. I can see that when it is completed it will be a tremendous blessing and eliminate the bottleneck of traffic, that caused delays and frustration getting into the north gate of the city.
There’s also a strawberry field that has a fruit stand on it, and the construction equipment has been placed right in front of their entrance blocking their main source of traffic flow, which hinders their customers from pulling onto the property. However, the field owner and businesses surrounding this project have continued to conduct business regardless of the frustrations and limitations. I’ve seen the strawberry field workers pulling weeds, tilling the ground, replanting, growing and harvesting new crops. The frustrations and limitations of this season are producing a new larger road that is re-directing more traffic right in front of these businesses. In other words, MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS will see these businesses on a regular basis than they had before, but they have to endure the season of construction, stay planted, keep working, and wait it out! It’s a process that will eventually pay off. As I was driving by the massive pile of construction equipment that was blocking one of the entrances to our court, I heard the Lord say, “You must be faithful in every season regardless of your circumstances. You may feel that you’re being blocked, have less flow, or less visibility, but you still have a field that needs to be tended too.” There’s still a harvest that needs to be brought in regardless of what kind of frustrations or roadblocks are put up in front of you. Don’t allow the frustrations to cause resentment. Resentment and contentment cannot co-exist. A person who has “learned to be content in God” will demonstrate maturity and keep going. They’ll be obedient regardless of the current circumstances. Mature people don’t allow difficult circumstances to dictate their obedience, or distract them from their purpose. They refuse to become resentful. They obey and keep going!
When a person becomes resentful toward God because of the roadblocks they experience, or they’re in a season where nothing seems to be flowing, they often “uproot” themselves and run to the next place with their “resentment.”
They refuse to stay faithful during seasons of construction and change that will bring about increase and greater visibility. That resentment is carried into the next place they go.
Joyce Meyer always says, “Wherever you go, THERE YOU ARE!”
In other words, changing geographical locations doesn’t change the person. The person must change their internal life or the same problem shows up at the next place. This person tries to set down roots, but before long the bitter roots of resentment begin to bear poison fruit that hinders them and their relationships in the new place. Until this person renounces the resentment, repents, humbles themselves and gets rooted, this cycle will keep repeating itself. God’s grace is available, and He ALWAYS gives us the grace to endure whatever season we find ourselves in, EVEN SEASONS OF CORRECTION. Paul said: Hebrews 12:15 (AMP)
15 See to it that no one falls short of God’s grace; that NO ROOT OF RESENTMENT springs up and causes trouble, and by it many be defiled; My beloved, many of you have been in a long and frustrating season of construction, God is about to bring you into a season of greater visibility, avenues of income, divine flow, increase, and greater opportunity. Why? Because you stayed planted and took care of business even when it was frustrating. You decided to bloom where you are planted, and you’re about to FLOURISH! I love you all! PV