Self-Comfort Leads to Apathy and Destruction, The Comforter Leads to Life!

Good Morning My Loves,
Have you ever got stuck watching a show and stayed up too late to see how it ends?
I did that last night. There was a documentary on TLC about the weight-loss journey of several 600 1b. persons, and what it took to bring them to their breaking point.
It was heartbreaking to see the pain they suffered both emotionally and physically. Each of them had some traumatic event in their childhood that they never dealt with, and they turned to food to comfort themselves rather than dealing with the pain in a healthy way.
Their unresolved pain, and the fear of facing that pain, caused them to become trapped in their own body. The more they engaged in “self-comfort,” the less dependent and more “apathetic” and isolated they became. Their becoming their “own comforter” led to unbalanced and unhealthy ways of comforting themselves. To make it worse, the family members around them enabled them. In their attempts to make them feel better, they gave them more of what was killing them (BAD FOOD) rather than having the courage to say, “No. I will not be an assistant to your physical destruction.”
One lady burst into tears and said, “I JUST NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME SAY ‘NO!” Her comforters were not really helping her. I thought, “She needs THE COMFORTER, THE HELPER, THE STRENGTHENER, THE STANDBY, THE HOLY SPIRIT, to GIVE HER THE SPIRITUAL STRENGTH AND INNER HEALING SHE NEEDS TO GET HER LIFE BACK!" Fortunately those on the show reached their breaking point, saw a physician who told them the truth, took charge of their diet, stopped making unhealthy choices, decided to face their pain and deal with it, and began to lose the weight and get their life back. It was a slow and painful process that required them to make the right choices “daily” to reverse the years of destruction that turning to “self-comfort” had caused. This is what happens when we allow feelings of unforgiveness, hurt, anger, and fear to remain inside our soul. If we don’t bring it to our Comforter-The Holy Spirit, confess it, and LET IT GO, our hearts become trapped in a spiritual coffin. We allow our flesh to dominate us instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to heal us.
When we have a fearful or bitter heart, we end up bowing our knee in surrender to the enemy, rather than to Christ. We end up pre-occupied with feeding our flesh, and become our own comforter, rather than being comforted by the Presence of God. However, when we’ve had enough we turn to The Great Physician. He tells us the truth, we take charge of our spiritual diet, eliminate soul toxins, start making healthy choices, allow Him to comfort us, and get our life back on track.
Is there an area of your life where you are out of balance?
-Are you engaging in “self-comfort” to medicate a soul wound? —Are you eating too much, shopping too much, sleeping around, drinking to much, working too much, engaging in illegal or immoral behavior, etc...?
-Are these things depleting your energy, time, resources, life?
-Have you become apathetic toward your own recovery and feel that there is no hope for you? My beloved, our Precious Jesus-The Great Physician is waiting with arms wide open to help you overcome. He doesn’t judge you, He loves you and wants to help you. He’s given you authority and wants you to rise up and use it. He’s given you the Holy Spirit to comfort and console you, and to infuse you with resurrection power! He wants to so “fill” you that you will not need to turn to these other things in attempt to fill you. He will give you the courage to face your fears, take charge of your life, and conquer your flesh if you’ll let him. Jesus said,
John 14:16 (AMP)
16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever—
-I decree and declare in the mighty name of Jesus, that all destructive “self-comfort” behaviors are being reversed in your life by the power of the Holy Spirit as you turn to him in honesty and repentance.
-You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, and with the help of the “Helper and Comforter” you’re becoming a living testimony to everyone around you that, “With God, all things are possible!”
I love you all! PV