If God Calls You to It, He'll Bring You Through It!

Good Morning My Loves,
Have you ever believed and obeyed the Lord, only to have all hell break loose upon you? Or you’ve found yourself all alone like John on the Isle of Patmos, or Paul in prison? You believe you’re in the perfect will of God, and the storm is raging? Yet in the midst of all this, you begin to pray in the Spirit and you experience “perfect peace?” If you’re in this place, or have been in this place, you have experienced “yielding to the Holy Spirit!”
The will of God is his Word to us. When He sends or directs us to someone, or someplace, there will not always be sunshine. Our experience may not be “comfortable.” His hand may guide us there only for us to experience:
1. Deep waters of difficulty that we feel might overflow and drown us. But the Holy Spirit says:
Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)
When (not if) you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When (not if) you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
2. Dark nights of the soul where you feel and hear the oppressive spirits of darkness, and Jesus’ face and voice are difficult to detect. But you reach for Him in faith and you hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit say:
Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)
2 …..
When (not if) you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
When you yield to the Holy Spirit in seasons like this, you come out with greater glory. You’ve paid the price to be in His perfect will. You didn’t choose the easy way. You didn’t run from His perfect will and settle for second best, or your own will. What you’ve learned about Him in the storm prepares you to steward and carry the greater things. You’ve learned to trust Him no matter what! Following your own will is no longer an issue. You’ve learned that if God called you to it, then He’ll bring you through it! Period. End of story.
I pray you’ve come to this place. If you are still wrestling with it all, I have a word for you….. “YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!”
I love you all! PV